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Friday Thoughts 77 - No April Fool's, just e-ppreciation

Writer: EAWEAW

Updated: Apr 3, 2022

So we have made it through another turbulent term and it is now April. April… How on earth did that happen?!

Today’s thoughts are about friendships, freedoms, reflections, celebrations and appreciations.

Now, possibly more than ever, we need our friends around us. Some of us have our families close by and for others our friends are our ‘chosen’ family. Our friends are so important to us all of the time, but it is at times of adversity and challenge when we need them most of all; I think it is fair to say that the situation in which we find ourselves is one such time. It is our first time in a complete lockdown here in Shanghai where the only vehicles on the road are ambulances, quarantine buses or refuse lorries. Those of us who missed the total Shanghai lockdown back in February 2020 were then locked in at home for two weeks on our return, but the rest of the city continued with their daily lives so it felt very different. We had our first virtual staff e-ppreciation on Wednesday and one of the most wonderful things about it was the genuine care shared in the virtual room by all involved.

This got me thinking about freedoms and how easy it is to take being free for granted and what ‘freedom’ actually means. That is a whole other piece, so I am not going to go down that particular rabbit hole today! In some way or another, our freedom of movement has been restricted since the beginning of 2020 and for us ‘international’ teachers, the ability to move around can be crucial to our wellbeing even if we choose not to. I think that this is one of the more significant underlying challenges – we can’t travel even if we want to. I don’t feel the need to leave my house when it is cold and damp like it was yesterday, but knowing that I wouldn’t be able to leave today meant I wanted to! Interesting psychology. Back before I joined BISS in 2011 I turned down a brilliant job because the country in question required you to get an exit permit from your employer before you were permitted to leave. I was assured that it would never be a problem and that I could get on the next flight home in case of emergency. Multi-exit permits existed but company policy was not to issue them. My psychological freedom was worth more to me than the job. I completely understood the rationale, it just wasn’t for me. I needed my freedom of movement.

I am deliberately avoiding the ‘April Fool’s Day’ references, I don’t think any of us are necessarily in the mood. I would, however, like to highlight the positivity and cheer emanating from our staff group at the moment. We have so many amazing friends and colleagues at the best of times, and at what can often feel to be the worst of times even more people come to the fore in support. As with everything in life, we have choices, even if the only choice we have is how to respond to the situation in which we find ourselves. I am so proud of how our staff and families have chosen to respond to the situation in which we find ourselves, whatever that may be. I have heard reports of our Nursery children meeting together as a group with their teachers to share their experiences and I have heard of the amazing adaptability of our KS1 children and their efforts with their online learning. Y6 are taking the opportunities of being given time alone in breakout rooms to rise to the challenge and approach it with integrity; who could ask for more from their students or their staff. I know I certainly couldn’t.

I am now coming back to finish this after the post-work staff quiz and my online Tabata class (filled with tech issues, just like the ones we all experience on a daily basis with our students) and I want to add ‘fellowship’. As a staff group, we had a laugh and a giggle at our collective awfulness at answering the quiz questions and the plethora of different answers we had. In just over 30 minutes we bonded and we had a great time. The best bit – with a group of people who wouldn’t normally come together socially or possibly even professionally. So thank you to everyone who participated; a tonic at the end of a challenging term for me at least.

It is the first day of our holiday tomorrow. I think it is safe to say that we all are in need and are well deserving of some time away from the screens unless, of course, you are attending some of the wonderfully planned wellbeing activities – shout out to our well of positivity Ms Natasha Manley! I came across an image on LinkedIn earlier which said ‘Be somebody who makes EVERYBODY feel like somebody.’ If ever there was a person who embodies this, it is Tash and we are incredibly lucky to have her on our team. I also think it is something we should all aspire to and I am incredibly proud to say that I believe you all make your children believe they are somebody, so thank you.

Happy Friday everyone.

Music today is a rather eclectic mix of Semisonic and ‘Closing Time’ and it’s just changed to New Radicals ‘You Get What You Give’. Well, I think we have given our all, so I hope you have got back what you have given. I have, so thank you.



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©2022 by Elizabeth Westwood

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